The Outdoors on borrowed time

Thursday, November 27, 2008

She thinks my tractors sexy

Ok here's the scoop. We were not able to get any jackalopes but that's still possible since tomorrow is the last day. If we do, I don't know if we should count it as a deer. Heck we have jackrabbits in Texas bigger than this one. And them horns on that brute, they gotta start around mid neck don't they. Them sure is some purty gloves. You gonna give that deer an exam or something. Of course if you normally get your fingers manicured and your eyebrows plucked on a regular basis I can see where the gloves would come in handy. Sure looks pretty. Oh well I guess it'll eat good. If we went by weight on this contest we would surely have you beat on this one. Sadie would be weighed in and tie you or beat you on this one.

Here's a picture for you. Believe me when I say I am fumbling for words on this article. The story on this one will come later but I will say this. We thought about using the trailer like you guys did, (as you can see) but this brute was too big. Heck we thought is was going to brake that skinning rack you guys built, and since we didn't want to hurt your feelings we had to do it the old fashioned way and hang it up. It was just too big.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Rage Broadhead does it again

I don't know the full details but Elliott took his nephew out hunting and here is what the 11 year old took with the Rage Broadhead. I was told this is his first time to shoot something, and by the looks on his face, he sure is happy. Congratulations.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Thank You for your service

All kidding aside on this post folks. As we celebrate Veterans Day I would like to thank all the veterans who have served and are still serving in the military. I honestly believe the only reason we have so much freedom in this country is because of our veterans. When I think of the blood, the sweat, the tears, and the lives that have been lost for the freedoms we cherish here in the United States of America, tears swell up in my eyes. The only reason we can sleep safe at night in the comfort of our home is because a veteran has watched the front lines or is still watching the front lines, and some have sacrificed all. Freedom is not cheap, it's been a high price to pay, and I truly thank you for your service and sacrifce, commitment and loyalty.

May GOD truly bless you

Can you say BAD DAY!!!

As we left Elliott's place we saw this guy going across the road. I've never seen one on his property, and he's never seen one on his property, but they are out there. As the hunting season is getting good, I don't know about north of here but in Texas it doesn't get that cold. As a matter of fact when it drops down in the 60's we break out the parkas. So these guys are usually gonna be out in the field most of the year. After seeing this guy I went out and bought some snake proof boots. I almost stepped on one 2 years ago as I was hog hunting which scared the fire out of me. It wasn't as big as this one, and this one measured 4 feet, that is of course after I cut his head off with my Cold Steel machete.
If you look real close you can see Michellin written across his back right below where his head used to be. I parked the front tire of my truck on this dude, and of course he was pissed off. He was rattling and trying to strike but I keep my machete really sharp and one whack took his head off. Be really careful as you go hunting and have fun.
If you're wondering what we did with the snake, Elliott kept it and took it to the taxidermist and had it mounted. I saw the skin at the office the other day and it really looks nice. I'll get a picture of it and post it on here later.

Rage Broadheads

First off let me say I do not work for Rage Broadheads. I actually haven't bought any but after seeing the amount of damage it can do, I'll be picking some up before I go to Tennessee. Elliott picked some up and his son Colin was using them in his crossbow. They went out this morning and the report is that the rut is on, and bucks were acting like bucks. You know what I mean. Colin got a shot at this nice buck at 20 yards and the buck ran another 60 yards and dropped. When I first saw this picture I couldn't believe a broadhead could do so much damage, but after visiting the Rage Broadhead web page I can see how it works and I'll be getting some for my bow. Now if I can get my wife to let me get out before the Tennessee trip maybe I can get one or two. Last year I was able to get 2 bucks and a Turkey, but this year I haven't been able to get anything. Oh well I guess I'll keep trying.

And the pics just keep on coming!!!!!

Looks like the East Coast crew is still having a blast. As much as they are shooting up there I just know I'll check my email and Malissa will be sending me a picture of bigfoot that someone shot. Malissa's dad got another nice buck and someone else from the East Coast team got a real nice turkey. Ok, so let me see if we have the count right, that's 3 bucks and 1 turkey.

I kind of got a feeling that when we get up there, we're gonna be hearing crickets. But then maybe the big bucks will start roaming. A friend of mine went hunting this morning and he said the rut is on. Bucks were acting like fools, running back and forth and fighting. He also reported that he saw other bucks that we had not seen in the last month that we have been out there, so hopefully that same will hold true at Jays place. Either way it looks like you guys had a good time, and I know you had to be eating really good. I know every time I head up there I come back with some extra weight.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Check out these beauties

Looks like we'll have a good selection of fish on the menu. Since the boy from the East Coast crew commented on fishing, I thought I'd show you what the boys from Louisiana (The Sportsmans State) have been up to. The Gulf Coast crew has the fishing covered. Lets see, there are some speckled trout, a flounder, and some very very nice Red Fish. If you boys from the East Coast need some pointers on how to catch these, just get a hold of Melvin and his boys, Justin and Craig. Hey Melvin, make sure you bring up some of those fish, and shrimp also. The guys from the East Coast say they will be thinking about us as they eat venison as they sit in the comfort of their home. Well that's fine and dandy, but you see, a real hunter knows how to eat well and hunt also. As you sit at home eating venison, we will be hunting, and eating venison. Last year Melvin made some shrimp gumbo, which we had each time we came in from the hunt. We also had wild pork that Mark smoked in the smoker and of course some venison. You can read about it in one of the earlier post. The year before we had goose gumbo that Master Chef Melvin made. One year we had carne guisada that Alma made. We had that for 2 days, and on one of those days we were able to bag 2 turkeys, which we ate also. So we'll be hunting and eating also. Of course if the East Coast crew keeps shooting deer it looks like we'll be eating only. I just got an email from Malissa and she said her dad shot another nice buck today. Make sure you send me a picture and I'll post it on here also.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

East Coast Crew Scores

YYYIIIIIKKKEEESSSSS. Now the pressure is on, and we are gonna have to produce. Well Mark, it looks like you'll have to get in the woods this year. Maybe we can take that smoker into the woods and smoke some of that meat the East Coast Crew left behind. After all you did knock down 2 while tending that pit. So we can't use the lawn mower huh. Well last time we didn't use it when we drug those three Tennessee brutes out. I guess we should have checked it out since YOU were the last ones to use it I believe. That's a pretty subtle way of telling us you know first hand it doesn't work. That's alright we'll not need the handicap for my fractured ankle. I'm a tough ole goat, I'll manage. Ok Melvin and Rob, here are the pictures from the East Coast Crew. As you can see they must have passed up a lot of doe. Now that's the difference between the East Coast crew and us. If we really wanted trophies we could be drilling them in Louisiana and Texas. We on the other hand are going for the meat. Since you brought the fishing up, we already have that covered. In the next post here, you will see pictures of the fish that Melvin and his boys, Craig and Justin caught. Redfish and flounder look to be on the menu. So our team already has that covered with them boys from Louisiana, or otherwise known as the Sportsmans State.

Monday, November 03, 2008

That time is here again!!!!

That time is here again and it looks like the East Coast crew is making like Davey Crockett. I guess they believe in the early bird gets the worm. We'll see what happens on their hunt this week. Heck if you need some helpful hints here's one. Make sure your powder is dry. Mark J., is already talking about hunting close to that smoker again. Maybe he can hunt on one day close to that smoker and the next day as Melvin is cooking that fine gumbo he can alternate. Of course we'll have a handicap this year. I fractured my ankle at work, but that's alright, I'm still up for that hike through the woods. Although when I shoot a deer I'll have to use the lawnmower to drive down and drag it back. I normally wouldn't and I know nobody else would either (yeah right), but since I got a bum ankle I think it's only fair. What do you think East Coast crew, do you think it would be alright?

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