Sunday, November 09, 2008

And the pics just keep on coming!!!!!

Looks like the East Coast crew is still having a blast. As much as they are shooting up there I just know I'll check my email and Malissa will be sending me a picture of bigfoot that someone shot. Malissa's dad got another nice buck and someone else from the East Coast team got a real nice turkey. Ok, so let me see if we have the count right, that's 3 bucks and 1 turkey.

I kind of got a feeling that when we get up there, we're gonna be hearing crickets. But then maybe the big bucks will start roaming. A friend of mine went hunting this morning and he said the rut is on. Bucks were acting like fools, running back and forth and fighting. He also reported that he saw other bucks that we had not seen in the last month that we have been out there, so hopefully that same will hold true at Jays place. Either way it looks like you guys had a good time, and I know you had to be eating really good. I know every time I head up there I come back with some extra weight.


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