Check out these beauties

Looks like we'll have a good selection of fish on the menu. Since the boy from the East Coast crew commented on fishing, I thought I'd show you what the boys from Louisiana (The Sportsmans State) have been up to. The Gulf Coast crew has the fishing covered. Lets see, there are some speckled trout, a flounder, and some very very nice Red Fish. If you boys from the East Coast need some pointers on how to catch these, just get a hold of Melvin and his boys, Justin and Craig. Hey Melvin, make sure you bring up some of those fish, and shrimp also. The guys from the East Coast say they will be thinking about us as they eat venison as they sit in the comfort of their home. Well that's fine and dandy, but you see, a real hunter knows how to eat well and hunt also. As you sit at home eating venison, we will be hunting, and eating venison. Last year Melvin made some shrimp gumbo, which we had each time we came in from the hunt. We also had wild pork that Mark smoked in the smoker and of course some venison. You can read about it in one of the earlier post. The year before we had goose gumbo that Master Chef Melvin made. One year we had carne guisada that Alma made. We had that for 2 days, and on one of those days we were able to bag 2 turkeys, which we ate also. So we'll be hunting and eating also. Of course if the East Coast crew keeps shooting deer it looks like we'll be eating only. I just got an email from Malissa and she said her dad shot another nice buck today. Make sure you send me a picture and I'll post it on here also.
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