She thinks my tractors sexy
Ok here's the scoop. We were not able to get any jackalopes but that's still possible since tomorrow is the last day. If we do, I don't know if we should count it as a deer. Heck we have jackrabbits in Texas bigger than this one. And them horns on that brute, they gotta start around mid neck don't they. Them sure is some purty gloves. You gonna give that deer an exam or something. Of course if you normally get your fingers manicured and your eyebrows plucked on a regular basis I can see where the gloves would come in handy. Sure looks pretty. Oh well I guess it'll eat good. If we went by weight on this contest we would surely have you beat on this one. Sadie would be weighed in and tie you or beat you on this one.
Here's a picture for you. Believe me when I say I am fumbling for words on this article. The story on this one will come later but I will say this. We thought about using the trailer like you guys did, (as you can see) but this brute was too big. Heck we thought is was going to brake that skinning rack you guys built, and since we didn't want to hurt your feelings we had to do it the old fashioned way and hang it up. It was just too big.

OK, rumor has it that that sweet lookin little doe picked up that nice looking buck (on her tractor of course)in "Waverly" Tennessee, a scant 40-50 miles from "Dickson" Tennessee. My understanding is the the poor son-of-a-gun arrived in Dickson DOA. Hmmmmmm, seems like the Jackelope isn't the only trickery going on here. Merry Christmas West Coast gang from the East Coast gang. See you next year! Oh, I also heard that the Louisana gang had multiple misses!
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