Wednesday, November 05, 2008

East Coast Crew Scores

YYYIIIIIKKKEEESSSSS. Now the pressure is on, and we are gonna have to produce. Well Mark, it looks like you'll have to get in the woods this year. Maybe we can take that smoker into the woods and smoke some of that meat the East Coast Crew left behind. After all you did knock down 2 while tending that pit. So we can't use the lawn mower huh. Well last time we didn't use it when we drug those three Tennessee brutes out. I guess we should have checked it out since YOU were the last ones to use it I believe. That's a pretty subtle way of telling us you know first hand it doesn't work. That's alright we'll not need the handicap for my fractured ankle. I'm a tough ole goat, I'll manage. Ok Melvin and Rob, here are the pictures from the East Coast Crew. As you can see they must have passed up a lot of doe. Now that's the difference between the East Coast crew and us. If we really wanted trophies we could be drilling them in Louisiana and Texas. We on the other hand are going for the meat. Since you brought the fishing up, we already have that covered. In the next post here, you will see pictures of the fish that Melvin and his boys, Craig and Justin caught. Redfish and flounder look to be on the menu. So our team already has that covered with them boys from Louisiana, or otherwise known as the Sportsmans State.


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