Sunday, November 09, 2008

Can you say BAD DAY!!!

As we left Elliott's place we saw this guy going across the road. I've never seen one on his property, and he's never seen one on his property, but they are out there. As the hunting season is getting good, I don't know about north of here but in Texas it doesn't get that cold. As a matter of fact when it drops down in the 60's we break out the parkas. So these guys are usually gonna be out in the field most of the year. After seeing this guy I went out and bought some snake proof boots. I almost stepped on one 2 years ago as I was hog hunting which scared the fire out of me. It wasn't as big as this one, and this one measured 4 feet, that is of course after I cut his head off with my Cold Steel machete.
If you look real close you can see Michellin written across his back right below where his head used to be. I parked the front tire of my truck on this dude, and of course he was pissed off. He was rattling and trying to strike but I keep my machete really sharp and one whack took his head off. Be really careful as you go hunting and have fun.
If you're wondering what we did with the snake, Elliott kept it and took it to the taxidermist and had it mounted. I saw the skin at the office the other day and it really looks nice. I'll get a picture of it and post it on here later.


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