Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Sleeping Fisherman

If you've read any of the past posts on my blog page, you would have seen the sleeping hunter in a previous post. Now there's the sleeping fisherman.

Here's the way it went down. As we left the packery channel this afternoon we ended up at the Corpus Christi NAS. We got the camera ready along with the fishing gear. We were in search of the elusive Brown Croaker. We saw some raccoons running throughout the parking lot and it's possible they too were in search of the Brown Croaker. Somewhere around 0100 I was beat, and I had to sit down and consequently I dozed off. I asked Navor too keep a look out for the Brown Croaker and he did. When I awoke I found out the Brown Croaker was no where to be found so I guess we'll try again tomorrow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you look closely you can see that he is wearing an SAPD hat. Which means that he took an oath to SLEEP and ENJOY the dreams of the community.

7:46 PM  

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