Saturday, June 21, 2008

A New Camper

Looks like we have another camper in the family. Nicholas! We went to Medina Lake again and had a such a great time we decided to stay the night. The plan was to go for the day barbecue, swim, relax and then come home. Well, we barbecued, swam, rested and then decided, since we didn't have to check in with anyone, we were going to spend the night. Not everyone could stay but Nicholas, Franchesca, my parents, my wife and I spent the night.

The Arce's couldn't stay but that's allright because summer just started, and there will be more time spent at the lake. With gas prices going through the roof, a coast trip is getting costly but the lake is only 30 minutes away. Nicholas was going to sleep right where you see him, until a scorpion was seen walking across the pavement. He changed his mind and slept in the grandpa's vehicle. I slept on a ciot right where Nicholas was, and mom slept on another cot, well she started to sleep but got side tracked with scorpions, cats, possums, and whatever else she was looking for. I slept. Someone thought some hogs had entered the camp but it turned out to be me snoring. I don't know about the everyone else, but I got some good sleep that night. Alma and Franchesca slept in the truck because they were afraid of the hogs.

We even had some deer visiting us. Had it been
in October, they would have joined us for supper.
If you look to the right of my cousin David, you can see two glowing eyes. That is a very curious doe that almost walked into camp with us. It actually walked in a little closer as did 3 other does.
Yeah Marcello, I feel your pain. I know, I know he's your daddy.


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