Gulf Coast Kicks Butt
After a fifteen hour trip from San Antonio to Vanleer Tennessee we walked in the door and noticed the East Coast crew left behind a scope (new) and a shirt tail.
Too bad. We'll try not to make that mistake. Just 2 from the Gulf Coast crew will be making the trip this year, but we acquired another team member in Tennessee. A bright young man by the name of Dustin, who, in his own words said, he wanted to be on the winning team. We'll take him. Check out the shirt he wore on the second hunt. I have no idea where he got this shirt but this kid will fit right in.
You can read about my first hunt, a couple of articles down. Saturday afternoon we went out and didn't get anything and it's not because we didn't see anything, because we did. I saw several deer but Murphy's law came into play. It seemed the deer kept coming from the opposite direction I had my rifle aimed at. I didn't want to spook them and give my location away so I let them walk. One doe passed behind me by about 6 feet, walking up the holler in Mark Johnsons direction.
Sunday was a great day for the team. Dustin saw a buck but unfortunately missed. Yeah he lost a shirt tail and it will be hanging in the shed. Maybe next time Dustin. Sunday evening we tried new locations. I went just past the barn at the old homestead place and set up about 10 yards on the hill. It's a perfect view towards the old, now knocked down house and the hill behind it. You can also see up the holler between the house and the hog pen, and I was hoping to take a long distance shot with my .308. You can also see quite a ways up the hill behind the old hog pen and also up the holler to the right of the hog pen. Jay, Mark and Dustin continued past me towards the pine thicket on the hill. I was set up to shoot left handed and Murphys law came into effect again. A nice 8 pointer came down the hill to the far left of the old house. I couldn't get turned around in time and it crossed the creek and went left past the old barn and out of sight.
Since I was now set up to shoot right handed it wasn't 5 minutes from the time I saw that buck pass by when I saw 3 does come off the same hill behind the old house. They angled down the hill towards the left which put them in that clearing by where the East Coast crew cut those downed trees before the barn. I couldn't get a clean shot so I waited. Sometime later I heard Mark's canon going off. Twice.
He later told me he was standing next to a tree and some dogs had wandered up the hill and were barking at him. He said while he was trying to scare the dogs off two does walked up the hill so he shot the first one and as it went down the second one just stood there looking at it so he shot the second one also. He then said once he fired at the does with his 30.06 the dogs took off in a hurry in the opposite direction. The Gulf Coast team was now 1 buck (8 pointer) and 2 does in the game.
It wasn't long after Mark fired that while I was set up ready to shoot a deer coming from my left, Murphys law came into effect. A small 8 pointer came walking down the road about 9 yards in front of me from the far right. With my rifle pointing to the left I reached for my Glock that was laying on my backpack. The buck heard me as my hand reached my thigh so I froze as it looked at me. The buck went back to eating and was now directly in front of me within 9 yards and that's when I noticed it was the same one that came down the hill earlier. Apparently it had circled around me and was now standing on the road in front of me. At this point it turned away from me and was getting ready to jump the creek in front of me. I knew he was at an angle that I could use my rifle so I quietly raised it and fired probably at the same time he was going to jump and he landed in the ditch. The Gulf coast team was now two bucks (16 points) and 2 does in the game.
Tuesday we went out again and that morning Mark said he was hunting the same pine thicket he had shot the two does when he heard a grunt sound coming from down the hill. He said he got his grunt caller and gave it a try and it must have been just over a minute that he saw this buck (4 pointer) pictured walking towards him. The Gulf Coast team just stomped the East Coast team with 3 bucks for a total of 20 points and 2 does. Good game boys, and we'll see you next year. Until the next hunt. Stay safe.
Too bad. We'll try not to make that mistake. Just 2 from the Gulf Coast crew will be making the trip this year, but we acquired another team member in Tennessee. A bright young man by the name of Dustin, who, in his own words said, he wanted to be on the winning team. We'll take him. Check out the shirt he wore on the second hunt. I have no idea where he got this shirt but this kid will fit right in.
You can read about my first hunt, a couple of articles down. Saturday afternoon we went out and didn't get anything and it's not because we didn't see anything, because we did. I saw several deer but Murphy's law came into play. It seemed the deer kept coming from the opposite direction I had my rifle aimed at. I didn't want to spook them and give my location away so I let them walk. One doe passed behind me by about 6 feet, walking up the holler in Mark Johnsons direction.
Sunday was a great day for the team. Dustin saw a buck but unfortunately missed. Yeah he lost a shirt tail and it will be hanging in the shed. Maybe next time Dustin. Sunday evening we tried new locations. I went just past the barn at the old homestead place and set up about 10 yards on the hill. It's a perfect view towards the old, now knocked down house and the hill behind it. You can also see up the holler between the house and the hog pen, and I was hoping to take a long distance shot with my .308. You can also see quite a ways up the hill behind the old hog pen and also up the holler to the right of the hog pen. Jay, Mark and Dustin continued past me towards the pine thicket on the hill. I was set up to shoot left handed and Murphys law came into effect again. A nice 8 pointer came down the hill to the far left of the old house. I couldn't get turned around in time and it crossed the creek and went left past the old barn and out of sight.

He later told me he was standing next to a tree and some dogs had wandered up the hill and were barking at him. He said while he was trying to scare the dogs off two does walked up the hill so he shot the first one and as it went down the second one just stood there looking at it so he shot the second one also. He then said once he fired at the does with his 30.06 the dogs took off in a hurry in the opposite direction. The Gulf Coast team was now 1 buck (8 pointer) and 2 does in the game.