Sunday, October 28, 2012

Oh yeah, that'll work

It's hard to believe that something so rough and ugly looking can be so tasty.   Check out the teeth on this guy, they're almost razor sharp.  He gets them that sharp by chomping or I guess grinding his teeth and if you're unlucky enough to get hit by them it can open you up.

Whenever I shoot one of these guys I usually check them over.   This hog, like most of the others I've shot had mud on it's sides and belly.   It apparently just out of a mud hole somewhere.   On the right side of it's neck it had some scrapes and puncture marks, which means it probably just recently just got in a fight with another hog.  On the previous post I posted a picture of the shield that starts at the spine on both sides of the hog and extends downward and covers most of the ribs.

But like I said earlier, it's hard to believe that something so rough and ugly looking can be so tasty.  My neice Brenda took one of the hind quarters from this guy and seasoned and cooked it.   It smelt great in the crockpot and I can't hardly wait to sink my teeth into it.  Here's a picture, and I'll post another picture on the plate later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Marc, the East Coast gang arrived last Friday (with alot of blaze orange accessories due to last years most unfortunate Wildlife Officer encounter), three hunters in the bunch this year and we are off to a good start. Sunday Morning, Gary and I left out for our stands at 0-dark-thirty. After a couple of hours, we returned to find Charlie on the front porch with a cup of coffee and a big turns out he woke up around 0700, walked down stairs walked out on the front porch and less than a minute later he dropped a doe in the woods just behind the driveway (the same place I believe the Gulf coast gang missed a couple in 2010, something about a window sill not being level). The blast of the 50 caliber muzzle loader woke Malissa up a little early for church that morning, but we got one in the cooler. Yesterday evening, I let 7 does walk betting that they would be followed shortly by a nice buck and my gamble paid off, I dropped a nice 8-pointer in his tracks about 20 minutes later. Today we put up a couple of new stands and they promise to be hot ones based on all the activity we saw today. In the mid-day hours, we've sent alot of lead down range down in the new orchard pistol/rifle range Jay cut in the hillside. Good training as he says. Send me your email and I will send a pic or two. eel free to post this as is or edited as you need. More later, Steve

9:16 PM  

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