Boys will be boys
Well it looks like Tennessee trip 07 has come and gone and we had a great time. I got to see one hell of a shot, Lucious Lou from Louisiana, and then there’s Rob. Those stories are still in the writing. This story is about the strength of a harddrive. That’s right, we took a harddrive from a computer and pumped some rounds in it. Right about now you’re probably wondering why in the world would you want to shoot a hard drive? There are lots of answers to that, and here are but a few: because we can, because it’s fun, because we couldn’t shoot squirrels in the yard, because, because, because,
because,….you get the message, we had a hell of a time. So as we killed time on the last day we shot that harddrive with Corbon 230 grn hollow point .45 calibre, American Eagle 230 grn full metal jacket .45 calibre, 140 grain .270 winchester ballistic tip, and the hard driving heart pound, ear deafening 180 grn 30-06 winchester ballistic tip. As you can see the corbon tore the edges but did not penetrate the hard drive. The 270 and the 30-06 went completely through.
As you can see, that little hard drive was one tough cookie for the Glock 30 .45 Calibre but the rifle rounds just sliced right through it like a hot knife going through butter. It should be noted that no animals were injured during these tests, and thats only because they were no where to be found. Believe me, if I would have seen a deer it would have been injured.
It's a shame to be in TN. and have to shoot hard drives....while all the deers are laughing and saying to each other "it's so easy to spot people who aren't from around here" !! they shoot metal instead of meat.........HaHaHaHa.
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