This little piggy. . . . .

Was D.R.T., (dead right there) after being hit with a 12 gauge slug.
One of my co-workers and I went out to the happy hunting grounds yesterday. Since my supply of pork in my freezer has been depleted for the last couple of weeks, it was time to go out and knock one down. One of the guys that works with me by the name of Marc, wanted to go so we headed out around 0515 and arrived 0550 as the suns rays were just breaking the eastern sky. Perfect!! Last year I shot 2 large hogs with my Glock 23 as they ran across the field and tried crossing under the fence. You can read about it in one of the previous posts. I decided to set up at the same tank so Marc could get one today. I asked him what he was shooting and he said a 12 gauge shotgun with the first round being a slug followed up with 00 buckshot in case the opportunity presented itself to take 2 piggies. As we waited by the tank glassing the field looking for signs of hogs crossing the field, I could see our hopes of taking a hog from this location was quickly diminishing. It would have been great to see some pigs coming through the field. Marc said it reminded him of the the movie Jurassic Park, where they are crossing the field of high grass and those prehistoric animals (I forgot their name) were closing in on the people running. The rancher of the field we were hunting had tall grass, which I later found out to be sudan, which was about 3 to 4 ft., tall, and any movement in the field by pigs would surely be given away. But at 0700 we had no sign so I decided to call it at this location and move to the woods which were behind us.
After a brisk walk we made our way into the wood line and there were signs of hogs in the area. As we started going up the small hill, Marc whispered, is that a fawn up there. At first I didn’t see anything and he said move to the right about 2 steps, and as I did I could see what Marc had seen. It was a bobcat that turned and ran off. As we continued to walk, that’s when we heard the distinct sound of hogs grunting. We both looked to our left and through the brush and trees we could see a group of about 15 hogs making their way towards us digging through the dirt. Marc moved to my left down the hill about 10 paces and we had our skirmish line set up. No hog was going past us today!! We are getting ready to go tactical on these piggies!!!! I told Marc to shoot first and I would follow up, and them hogs just kept on coming. I was standing behind
a large cluster of cactus so they couldn’t see me, and Marc was standing behind some brush and a tree. They got closer and closer and they were working the ground pretty good, not really paying attention to their surroundings. They got closer, and closer, and in my mind I was thinking, Okay Marc anytime you want to let one go is fine with me since it won’t be but a few seconds and they’ll be touching my barrel. And then I heard BBOOOMMMM, and hogs were running everywhere. I tried to aim at one through my scope but since they were so close I couldn’t get one lined up in the crosshairs, but heck they were so close I let one go also at what I could see through my scope, but missed. It was more of a “yeah get the hell out of here shot”. I told Marc to move down about 15 yards and I moved up the hill and waited
in case they tried to flank us on either side. After about 5 to 10 minutes we didn’t hear anything so we retrieved the hog Marc had shot. It was about 5 yards away from his position, and that 12 gauge slug did a number on his front shoulder, and it was the right size for the pit. 
I asked Marc if he was going to take it home and it sounded like his kids and wife weren’t too fond of wild hog, although the next day Elliott reminded that your family does like wild pork. All I’m going to say is Elliott served pulled pork at two of the parties at his house which was attended by you and your family. So I cleaned it and took it home.
As you can see by the pictures it didn’t take long to put that hog in the convection oven, and some on the grill. But once again I find myself in a dilemma. Now that I’ve cooked this hog, I’ve got to go out and get another 1 or 2 to keep in the freezer.
One of my co-workers and I went out to the happy hunting grounds yesterday. Since my supply of pork in my freezer has been depleted for the last couple of weeks, it was time to go out and knock one down. One of the guys that works with me by the name of Marc, wanted to go so we headed out around 0515 and arrived 0550 as the suns rays were just breaking the eastern sky. Perfect!! Last year I shot 2 large hogs with my Glock 23 as they ran across the field and tried crossing under the fence. You can read about it in one of the previous posts. I decided to set up at the same tank so Marc could get one today. I asked him what he was shooting and he said a 12 gauge shotgun with the first round being a slug followed up with 00 buckshot in case the opportunity presented itself to take 2 piggies. As we waited by the tank glassing the field looking for signs of hogs crossing the field, I could see our hopes of taking a hog from this location was quickly diminishing. It would have been great to see some pigs coming through the field. Marc said it reminded him of the the movie Jurassic Park, where they are crossing the field of high grass and those prehistoric animals (I forgot their name) were closing in on the people running. The rancher of the field we were hunting had tall grass, which I later found out to be sudan, which was about 3 to 4 ft., tall, and any movement in the field by pigs would surely be given away. But at 0700 we had no sign so I decided to call it at this location and move to the woods which were behind us.
After a brisk walk we made our way into the wood line and there were signs of hogs in the area. As we started going up the small hill, Marc whispered, is that a fawn up there. At first I didn’t see anything and he said move to the right about 2 steps, and as I did I could see what Marc had seen. It was a bobcat that turned and ran off. As we continued to walk, that’s when we heard the distinct sound of hogs grunting. We both looked to our left and through the brush and trees we could see a group of about 15 hogs making their way towards us digging through the dirt. Marc moved to my left down the hill about 10 paces and we had our skirmish line set up. No hog was going past us today!! We are getting ready to go tactical on these piggies!!!! I told Marc to shoot first and I would follow up, and them hogs just kept on coming. I was standing behind

I asked Marc if he was going to take it home and it sounded like his kids and wife weren’t too fond of wild hog, although the next day Elliott reminded that your family does like wild pork. All I’m going to say is Elliott served pulled pork at two of the parties at his house which was attended by you and your family. So I cleaned it and took it home.
As you can see by the pictures it didn’t take long to put that hog in the convection oven, and some on the grill. But once again I find myself in a dilemma. Now that I’ve cooked this hog, I’ve got to go out and get another 1 or 2 to keep in the freezer.
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