I gotta
I took the day off to go hunting but I couldn’t get out there before sunup because I had to get some blood work done. The day before I had my doctors visit and I forgot to get the blood work done first, so now it was cutting into my hunting time, but I have to do it otherwise the doctor would get after me, again. So I see the vampire lady and afterwards I’m off to Boerne. I get some corn for the feeder, and some hay for the axis deer. In a couple of the pictures from the game cam we have set up there are a few axis deer in the picture, and last week we saw a few axis deer running around about 100 yards away.
After filling the feeder up and putting out the hay it’s finally time to get into the ground blind that we built and wait, and maybe even catch a few winks. On a nice cool day like today with the breeze blowing I can really get some good sleep, and I’m thinking I should have brought a venom to keep me awake. In case you don’t know what a venom is, well it’s an energy drink that doesn’t have all the sugar that a monster drink has. Oh, it has a lot of caffeine but I believe only 3 grams of sugar, which is not bad for me. So there I sat waiting for either a nice doe or buck to pop out so I could fling an arrow at it and possibly take one home to dinner. I picked up a couple of snacks in case I got hungry and a gallon of water. Every now and then I would very slowly bring the water jug up and take small drinks from it. I didn’t want to make sudden movements in case there was something behind me which I couldn’t see. I’ve been busted in the past like that.
As I sat there looking around and sipping my water, I noticed there were a lot of acorns on the ground. They were everywhere. I noticed movement off to my left and slowly turned to look and saw it was a squirrel about 15 feet away jumping off a tree onto the ground, It an acorn in its mouth and buried it and then ran up the tree. It did this numerous times not knowing I wasn’t more then 15 feet away watching it. Somewhere around 3 o’clock I noticed something walking through the woods directly in front of me not more than 10 feet away. It’s a fawn that is starting to lose it’s spots. From a distance you can’t see the spots, but up close I could see the spots starting to fade. It continues walking and eating acorns off the ground. The trail it’s on has two paths, one leading into the blind I am sitting in and one going to the right where the squirrel buried it’s acorn. At about this time I’m saying to myself, this scent killer stuff is real good the fawn is down wind and can’t smell me. The fawn goes to the right and I watch it for about 30 minutes just eating acorns off the ground and actually circles around and ends up now to my right. As it gets to the point where I have the corn and hay on the ground it stands at the tree line looking around. It can’t be more than 5 yards in front of me but it still hasn’t seen or smelled me.
That fawn must have thought it hit the jackpot. It looked at all the corn and hay that was on the ground for a few seconds then started looking left, right, then to the rear, and then forward again. I don‘t know what goes through the mind of a deer, but it probably thought, I’m in heaven, not knowing that if it was only a year older, then it probably would have been on it’s way to heaven.
Well right about this time I get the urge to go to the bathroom. I know it don’t sound right but I gotta pee really, really bad. One of the medicines I take is a diuretic, and when it’s time to go, it’s time to go. So I have this fawn in front of me 5 feet away looking around at all that corn and hay like a nine year old walking around Willie Wonkas chocolate factory, and my bladders about to burst, but I don’t want to give away my hiding position. I wanted to tell the fawn go ahead you got a free pass from monopoly but hurry so I can relieve myself. Well the fawn being very hesitant and cautious strolled out onto the playing field and started to eat some corn and then some hay. Hurry up get your fill, hurry up get your fill and leave I’m thinking to myself, and after about 15 minutes it slowly wandered off back from where it came from.
After waiting about 5 minutes I cautiously looked around and it looked clear so I put my crossbow down, looked around and it was still clear, and I cautiously and slowly started to stand up, and then my heart sank. OH MY GOSH that fawn hadn’t left and I froze partly standing but bent over. It was 10 feet from me and started staring at my position. Lucky for me the cedars were thick and we had put some more cedars on that area so it really couldn’t see me but it knew something was there. It moved it’s head left then right trying to get a good look at what was moving and we stared at each other for about 5 minutes. I guess it got comfortable and went back to eating, and I thought if this fawn goes back for seconds I’m probably going to get a warm feeling running down my leg. Well sure enough it was back for seconds, and I wanted to shout, hey get out of here, this aint’ wic and you ain’t shootable so get out of here. At one point the fawn was looking at something and was facing away from me so I knelt down and glanced over at the fawn and noticed she hadn’t seen me. “After kneeling on the ground somewhere around 20 minutes, I knew I needed to take some drastic measures pretty soon. I felt like shooting that fawn just for being stupid but I knew that wasn’t right, but it was heavy on my mind and my bladder was heavy also.

That’s when I decided to toss something at it. How bad can that hurt my hunting I thought. So I looked on the ground, and found a stick big enough to throw and waited for the right moment. I didn’t have to look far since I was kneeling on the ground already. Once the fawn started to turn away from me as it ate I threw that stick as far as I could towards that fawn like Roger Staubach throwing a bomb. It landed off to the right and I thought, yeah we’re gonna pee in a few seconds as soon as bambi leaves. Nearly kissing the ground I looked through the brush and saw the fawn jump then looked around and then kept eating. WHAT THE!!!!!!!!! Now I want to shoot that stupid fawn. It didn’t leave, heck this has got to be the dumbest fawn on the planet. I’ll fix you I thought as I reached for my crossbow, and just underneath the crossbow was a nice size rock so I grabbed it. It isn’t that far from me, maybe 20 yards, I know I can hit it. Check the picture out I’ve attached, it really wasn’t far so I threw that rock and sure enough hit it on the back and it jumped and ran past that turkey feeder in the pictures. Then stopped and turned back and looked where it ran from. OH MY GOSH, I really am gonna shoot you this time if you come back, because I have got to relieve myself something horrible. I never thought I would ask God to make this animal go away so I could relieve myself, but I was doing it right now. Please go away, please go away, like a kid in the grocery crying for the box of cereal with the gift in it. Well you know what they say about prayer but in case you don’t know, well it works because that fawn wandered off , slowly, but it did leave and I was able to relieve myself. It was close, but no warm sensation down my leg today.
After filling the feeder up and putting out the hay it’s finally time to get into the ground blind that we built and wait, and maybe even catch a few winks. On a nice cool day like today with the breeze blowing I can really get some good sleep, and I’m thinking I should have brought a venom to keep me awake. In case you don’t know what a venom is, well it’s an energy drink that doesn’t have all the sugar that a monster drink has. Oh, it has a lot of caffeine but I believe only 3 grams of sugar, which is not bad for me. So there I sat waiting for either a nice doe or buck to pop out so I could fling an arrow at it and possibly take one home to dinner. I picked up a couple of snacks in case I got hungry and a gallon of water. Every now and then I would very slowly bring the water jug up and take small drinks from it. I didn’t want to make sudden movements in case there was something behind me which I couldn’t see. I’ve been busted in the past like that.
As I sat there looking around and sipping my water, I noticed there were a lot of acorns on the ground. They were everywhere. I noticed movement off to my left and slowly turned to look and saw it was a squirrel about 15 feet away jumping off a tree onto the ground, It an acorn in its mouth and buried it and then ran up the tree. It did this numerous times not knowing I wasn’t more then 15 feet away watching it. Somewhere around 3 o’clock I noticed something walking through the woods directly in front of me not more than 10 feet away. It’s a fawn that is starting to lose it’s spots. From a distance you can’t see the spots, but up close I could see the spots starting to fade. It continues walking and eating acorns off the ground. The trail it’s on has two paths, one leading into the blind I am sitting in and one going to the right where the squirrel buried it’s acorn. At about this time I’m saying to myself, this scent killer stuff is real good the fawn is down wind and can’t smell me. The fawn goes to the right and I watch it for about 30 minutes just eating acorns off the ground and actually circles around and ends up now to my right. As it gets to the point where I have the corn and hay on the ground it stands at the tree line looking around. It can’t be more than 5 yards in front of me but it still hasn’t seen or smelled me.
That fawn must have thought it hit the jackpot. It looked at all the corn and hay that was on the ground for a few seconds then started looking left, right, then to the rear, and then forward again. I don‘t know what goes through the mind of a deer, but it probably thought, I’m in heaven, not knowing that if it was only a year older, then it probably would have been on it’s way to heaven.
Well right about this time I get the urge to go to the bathroom. I know it don’t sound right but I gotta pee really, really bad. One of the medicines I take is a diuretic, and when it’s time to go, it’s time to go. So I have this fawn in front of me 5 feet away looking around at all that corn and hay like a nine year old walking around Willie Wonkas chocolate factory, and my bladders about to burst, but I don’t want to give away my hiding position. I wanted to tell the fawn go ahead you got a free pass from monopoly but hurry so I can relieve myself. Well the fawn being very hesitant and cautious strolled out onto the playing field and started to eat some corn and then some hay. Hurry up get your fill, hurry up get your fill and leave I’m thinking to myself, and after about 15 minutes it slowly wandered off back from where it came from.
After waiting about 5 minutes I cautiously looked around and it looked clear so I put my crossbow down, looked around and it was still clear, and I cautiously and slowly started to stand up, and then my heart sank. OH MY GOSH that fawn hadn’t left and I froze partly standing but bent over. It was 10 feet from me and started staring at my position. Lucky for me the cedars were thick and we had put some more cedars on that area so it really couldn’t see me but it knew something was there. It moved it’s head left then right trying to get a good look at what was moving and we stared at each other for about 5 minutes. I guess it got comfortable and went back to eating, and I thought if this fawn goes back for seconds I’m probably going to get a warm feeling running down my leg. Well sure enough it was back for seconds, and I wanted to shout, hey get out of here, this aint’ wic and you ain’t shootable so get out of here. At one point the fawn was looking at something and was facing away from me so I knelt down and glanced over at the fawn and noticed she hadn’t seen me. “After kneeling on the ground somewhere around 20 minutes, I knew I needed to take some drastic measures pretty soon. I felt like shooting that fawn just for being stupid but I knew that wasn’t right, but it was heavy on my mind and my bladder was heavy also.

That’s when I decided to toss something at it. How bad can that hurt my hunting I thought. So I looked on the ground, and found a stick big enough to throw and waited for the right moment. I didn’t have to look far since I was kneeling on the ground already. Once the fawn started to turn away from me as it ate I threw that stick as far as I could towards that fawn like Roger Staubach throwing a bomb. It landed off to the right and I thought, yeah we’re gonna pee in a few seconds as soon as bambi leaves. Nearly kissing the ground I looked through the brush and saw the fawn jump then looked around and then kept eating. WHAT THE!!!!!!!!! Now I want to shoot that stupid fawn. It didn’t leave, heck this has got to be the dumbest fawn on the planet. I’ll fix you I thought as I reached for my crossbow, and just underneath the crossbow was a nice size rock so I grabbed it. It isn’t that far from me, maybe 20 yards, I know I can hit it. Check the picture out I’ve attached, it really wasn’t far so I threw that rock and sure enough hit it on the back and it jumped and ran past that turkey feeder in the pictures. Then stopped and turned back and looked where it ran from. OH MY GOSH, I really am gonna shoot you this time if you come back, because I have got to relieve myself something horrible. I never thought I would ask God to make this animal go away so I could relieve myself, but I was doing it right now. Please go away, please go away, like a kid in the grocery crying for the box of cereal with the gift in it. Well you know what they say about prayer but in case you don’t know, well it works because that fawn wandered off , slowly, but it did leave and I was able to relieve myself. It was close, but no warm sensation down my leg today.
Well Marc, it's nearly that competitive time of year again. The East Coast gang from Beaufort is gearing up for what will prove to be the best season ever at Bear Creek. This year we're going all out and pulling up an ATV to be able to make continuous runs to haul out our wall trophies. The Black Power weapons we use require superior marksmanship to drop those trophy bucks in one shot (not like those semi-auto or bolt action rifles you Texas Brush-Poppers use). We will make sure that we leave you plenty of photos of our kills, becasue that will be the only animals with antlers you see while you are there unless you can get Jay and Malissa to take you to the zoo. (PS, they don't allow weapons in the zoo). They evn have restrooms there and the cute little spotted fawns don't care when you tinkle. More to follow in the coming weeks! Sincerely, the East Coast gang!
Ha Ha that's good. We'll see what happens this year. Heck with all the deer and hogs that we plan on taking here in TEXAS, I might be kind of tired. I think I'll just take my bow up to Tennessee and hunt with that only. Or I might just take only my Glock 23. As you can see from 2 or 3 posts earlier, I took two hogs, one at 30 yards and the bigger hog was further.
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