Dove Hunting (well sorta)
Johnson called me and said he and Ron wanted to do some dove hunting, and I tagged along just to get out of honey do's that day. Honey do's and hunting don't get along during hunting season. I told Johnson sure I'll go, but I don't think I'm gonna do any dove hunting since I wanted to practice with my bow and also my new crossbow since bow season starts Oct 3. We got there right as the sun was coming up, and man was that a beautiful sunset, Frances. That last part was an inside joke that the Johnsons would only understand. Ask them next time you see them. Johnson and Ron set up at the tank quite a ways apart, and I decided to walk the tank and see what type of tracks would be in the area. Of course there were cow prints, and some raccoon and deer prints, and a whole lot of pig tracks of which some were small and some were ginormous. (it's my blog so I can make up my own words like ginormous) As I walked to the end of the tank, (pond for us city folks) Ron yelled out PIGS!!! Did he say pigs, I thought to myself, and I looked at Ron and he pointed to the far end of the field which is close to 500 yards and I could see the little black humps and some large humps running in my direction. Keep in mind I didn't have a shotgun since I wasn't dove hunting, but I did have my Glock 23 loaded with 13 rounds of speer lawmen .40 ammo in it. I thought to myself this is gonna get really interesting in a few seconds, so I got off the tank (pond), and hunched over so they wouldn't see me walked towards where I thought they might cross. I knelt down and looked back to see how far I would have to run to get into the tank in case they came towards me and it wasn't too far. I took aim at the first pig and knew I wouldn't be able to hit it on the run since it was about 30 yards away from me, but I would keep it in my sights and I knew it had to either slow down or stop before it went under the barb wire fence. As I tracked it with the open sights on my Glock sure enouch it stopped at the fence and I fired hitting it on the side of the head, and it dropped right there.
At this point the other pigs (about 20) caught up the first one and after hearing the shot they turned towards me momentarily and then did a 180 and ran along the fence line about another 15 yards with me chasing them with my Glock in my hand. Oh no you ain't getting away you little pests. Then things got interesting. One of them decided to go under the barb wire and all the pigs were bunched up at that one point. I wanted to laugh as I thought to myself why at that position? Why go under the wire at that point and not a couple of yards before or after it, and why does every pig got to cross at that point? It was like the ticket taker at the movies, or the ticket taker at a carnival, everyone funnels to one point and gives the tiket taker their ticket and then they can enter. That's what it looked like, and only one pig was going under the wire at a time and as I grinned with my devious mind racing I immediately thought to myself, just shoot at the group, and you'll hit one. So I did and sure enough you could tell I hit one. Heck it was probably the biggest one there, and it was squealing really loud, and you'll never guess what happed next. The ticket taker vacated his post and all the pigs were going under the wire, like someone setting off a stink bomb in a large crowd. Well just when I thought the fun was over once again Ron yelled here comes another one and as I looked towards the field sure enough another one was running my way. As I positioned myself again close to the tank I could see this one was a heck of a lot bigger than the other ones. As he got closer he looked like a miniature Rhino. This guy was big and when he cleared the wall of the tank this guy was big and I started walking towards it and he stopped and turned towards me. I don't know if he was trying to size me up or what, but he turned and ran down the fence line anothe
r 30 yards and crossed.
When I checked the second hog I found it was considerably larger than the first one and it had some really big chompers.
Oh and before I forget, Johnson and Ron did hunt for doves and shot a few.
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