The Outdoors on borrowed time

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Ole Faithful

Here are a couple of pictures of Ole Faithful when it comes to ground blind hunting. I mentioned this one in earlier posts, and last year the Valdez Clan shot 4 or 5 deer from this one, with Colin hitting the bullseye on a really nice buck. Even Ethan got in on the action and put meat in the freezer. As you can see the hunting is gonna be great this year. The ground is tore up pretty good all aroun this area. Elliott and I put some new cedar around the existing blind and if you can't see it, well take my word for it, it is there. This is the one I originally built 2 years ago and since then we have been filling in holes with new cedar, and believe me there's enough cedar to last for quite a while. Ok Colin, your job now is to knock something down again. HURRY UP OCT 3

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Car from Gilligans Island

Check these pictures out. Elliott and I spent a few hours building a ground blind out of cedar trees and other items. We think this new ground blind is going to be great. The bottom picture shows the blind as its viewed from about 30 yards away. Alma said it looked like the car from Gilligans Island. If you aren't old enough to remember Gilligans Island, then you won't get it.
Anyway, I still like the blind and for some reason I like building ground blinds, it just seems challenging to be able to build a ground blind and be able to just about reach out and slap some deer as they walk past you even if looks like I'm reaching out of the car window (on Gilligans Island) and smacking a deer. We usually use scent killer and in the past I have sat in these cedar trees with camo on of course, and had deer walk within 10 yards in front of me. They never even knew I was there.
The top two pictures are views from the inside of the blind. Of course my truck won't be there but if that were a doe or buck, the range would be 30 yards.
Two years ago I took two bucks and a turkey from a ground blind I build and that blind is a great blind. I took those two bucks, Ethan took a doe, Elliott and Colin took several bucks from that blind. I think Elliott said something like 6 deer have been taken from that ground blind. Elliott and I fixed that one up also today. One more month and the game is on again.

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