The Outdoors on borrowed time

Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Sleeping Fisherman

If you've read any of the past posts on my blog page, you would have seen the sleeping hunter in a previous post. Now there's the sleeping fisherman.

Here's the way it went down. As we left the packery channel this afternoon we ended up at the Corpus Christi NAS. We got the camera ready along with the fishing gear. We were in search of the elusive Brown Croaker. We saw some raccoons running throughout the parking lot and it's possible they too were in search of the Brown Croaker. Somewhere around 0100 I was beat, and I had to sit down and consequently I dozed off. I asked Navor too keep a look out for the Brown Croaker and he did. When I awoke I found out the Brown Croaker was no where to be found so I guess we'll try again tomorrow.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Golden and Brown Croakers!!!!!!!

If you’ve fished the gulf coast then you know what the golden croaker is. I’ve caught many golden croakers. They’re fun to catch and they sure put up a good fight. They’re all over the gulf coast. While fishing the packery channel today in Corpus Christi, I was able to see a rare possibly new species of fish. The elusive Brown Croaker. That’s right I was able to get a glimpse of a big brown croaker. Actually I heard it first and it was similar in sound to the golden croaker, but when I looked for the golden croaker it was no where to be found. That’s when I spotted the brown croaker. It moved with ease wherever it traveled. It's quite possible that brown croaker is in this picture, but you can see the golden croaker is in it.

Reporting from Corpus Christi

We left San Antonio this morning headed for Corpus Christi. Of course we made a pit stop in Pleasanton Tx, and that was a much needed pitstop. We stopped at McBee’s barbecue which has the best ribs. So as we left Mcbees I started wondering about what we, or should I say some of our passengers ate. Nickelmeister was talking about fish about 30 minutes into the trip. He was practicing the croaker call. He said he was getting warmed up so we would be able to catch a lot of croakers. I think he’s full of hot air. I wouldn’t say there was something fishy about the conversation, but the subject did stink and I guess he got tired and fell asleep. Somewhere close to Mathis it started raining really hard. We saw an overturned vehicle with DPS on the scene and then in Corpus we were diverted because of another major accident. We finally made to the Naval Air Base and it was still raining as you can see. Hopefully the rain will let up and we can get out on the pier and do some fishing. Dad, Navor jr, Nickolas and I will attempt to bring in a redfish that equals or surpasses the one Jim caught. We’ll see what happens.

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