The Outdoors on borrowed time

Thursday, December 23, 2010

These Texas deer are tough

But not tougher than a well place rage broadhead. Looks like Elliotts boy Collin scored big times today. I received a call today that Collin had shot a really nice buck, a 10 pointer to be exact. So before I went to work today I drove over and took a look at it. As I walked up, it seemed like the rack was getting bigger and bigger and so was the smile on Collins and Elliotts face, along with everyone that was there.

But there's more to this story than just shooting another buck. You see, this buck had signs of previous injuries. The right hind leg appeared to have been badly damaged and was healed to the point where it was walking with no problems. Collin said when he field dressed it the hip looked like it was out of socket. Elliott told me it might have been hit by a vehicle sometime in the past because after field dressing so many deer in the past he had never seen anything like that. He also said the lower back right hind leg looked like at some time in the past it had received some severe damage to it because the bone appeared to be sticking out but you could see where it was healed and the skin appeared to have grown over it. That's one tough deer. Great job Collin. Believe me when I say the pictures are very nice and will be posted on here when I get out of work. Have a Merry Christmas and a safe day.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Looks like the East Coast Crew Beat us...

in the MISSES department. WOW, they whooped us in the misses department, just count the shirt tails. We have 3 misses and you guys have a whopping 5 (FIVE, CINCO, CHO,CINQ, FUNF, CINQUE,CINCI,TANO). Congratulations, see ya next year.

It's time to start knocking down some deer

Yeah I know, I've been saying that since bow season started. Then there was that trip to Tennessee where the contractor didn't level the window and the Gulf Coast Crew had 2 misses from that window. Then there was the high shoulder shot that a spike took off with my arrow, and then later show up on the game cam. It looked like he went to a med clinic and got all stitched up because you can see the healing wound on the picture. Minus the arrow. Last year at this time I filled all my tags, that's right 5 deer by this time last year. This year what do I have to show..........a BIG GOOSE EGG. I still have all 5 tags and believe me NOW IT'S TIME TO START KNOCKING DOWN SOME DEER!!!!!! Elliott and Collin went to Boerne this last weekend and after downloading the pictures from the camera, there are some nice deer running around his property.

I think I'm heading out early saturday and will be on site all day. If one of these guys comes out, I'm taking it. If anything comes out that has brown fur and with or without antlers I'm killin it. It's going home with me.
We'll see ya saturday with a report.

Friday, December 03, 2010


A new rule has been added to the annual Man Trip hunt. If you fail to proudly display your shirt tail from your miss the opposite team gets to display a garment of their choice for you miss.

That's How We Cajuns Roll

Just when you think you’ve seen it all, WHAM your shocked at what you see and hear when the Great Goose hunter comes back from the morning hunt. You may remember I wrote about the Great Goose Hunter in a previous post a few years back. He’s from Lake Charles, and one hell of a full blooded ragin cajun. He rastles (cajun for wrestle) alligators, and at the sight of him entering the swamps snakes scatter, knowing that if caught by him they’ll be tanned and used as overall straps.

Well this is the story of all stories and I’m glad I got to witness it on the man trip. After not seeing anything on the morning hunt I headed in to try and warm up. The temperature was in the 20’s and nothing was moving but the Gulf Coast crew. There were 3 of the crew freezing their you know what this morning. The Great Goose Hunter had gone the furthest into the woods since he was trying to redeem himself after yesterdays miss and losing a shirt tail, so he was out for a kill any way he could get it. Goose had packed it up and was heading in and was fixing a climbing blind so his dad could use it later. Goose said after he fixed the blind and saw that it worked and was safe to use he heard a strange noise on the opposite side of the tree he was facing. Ever so cautiously he peered around the tree and that’s when he saw the six point buck standing there. Instantaneously Goose reached for his Remington 700(ReMMington for you East Coast boys), and realized it was on the 4 wheeler about 20 feet away. Goose said he wasn’t worried because his dad had taught him since an early age that he was cajun and Cajuns can handle any situation in the woods. Goose said that’s when he went hands on with this buck, it was time to go mano y mano. It was fist-o-phobia with the beast. It was knuckle jungle time with this creature and Goose was on a mission to redeem himself. Goose said they rolled around on the ground for a few minutes before he was able to get him in an armbar lock. Goose said the beast broke free and he was once again able to get the beast in a headlock. The only lock Goose didn’t use was the master lock, but eventually Goose won the battle.

At this point Goose had another problem in that he was well worn out after that vicious brawl and he needed to put that six point buck in the 4 wheeler. Goose summoned up the strength and was able to put the buck on the 4 wheeler and drove it to the house.

The Gulf Coast crew were all outside talking and waiting for Goose to get in and could hear the 4 wheeler coming down the trail. As the 4 wheeler that Goose was driving came out of the woods we noticed he looked exhausted and as he got closer we noticed the 6 pointer in the back of the vehicle. Almost at once we all looked at each other and then made comments how we hadn’t heard a shot, so how did he get the deer. That’s when Goose told us how he had battled with the buck and naturally we laughed at him. We immediately field dressed that 6 pointer and noticed there were no bullet wounds in the chest area. We skinned that buck and once again noticed no bullet trauma so we asked Goose to show us his rifle and he still had the 3 bullets he left with in the morning. So how did he get the buck? Wish I knew.

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