The Outdoors on borrowed time

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

That was some good eatin

Well folks, I'm happy to say that we (Alma and I) just finished eating some ribs from the hog in the previous post. That was some of the best ribs I've eaten in quite some time. I've attached a picture of the leftovers. My wife thinks I'm crazy, but that's alright. I wish I could take credit for making them, but all the credit goes to my beautiful wife. Without her I'd weigh about 100 lbs., but she is one excellent cook.

About 2 years ago she experimented with some deer and hog ribs. She put them in a convection oven at about 250 degrees and cooked them all day with some barbecue sauce. Well when Rob gave me that hog that you see in the previous post, I kept the ribs also. We have the whole pig in the deep freeze and yesterday thawed out 7 of the ribs. This afternoon my wife stuck them in the convectional roasting oven with a little water to brown them and then put some garlic powder on them and let them cook. After a couple of hours, she put barbecue sauce on them and let them continue to cook in the roasting oven. When I got home from work tonight they were ready and so was I. I was anxious, as saliva drooled from the side of my lips and I knew that in a few minutes barbecue sauce would replace the saliva. As I walked in the door, the house had a smell of ribs cooking and I couldn't wait any longer. I rushed too change out of my uniform, since I knew barbecue sauce was fixin to fly everywhere. If you've been with me when I eat ribs (I love ribs) you know what I mean, since it's impossible to keep from getting barbecue sauce on my shirt and anywhere else that I sometimes don't see.

I finally changed and was ready to eat when I realized I had forgotten my raincoat in my locker at work. Well whatever mess I made on my clothes will hopefully come out in the wash with a little bleach. Now lets eat.

As I started to take the ribs out of the roaster oven, the meat was falling off and the bones were exposed. Yup they're ready. Of course my wife was standing right next to me when that happened and as the meat fell off exposing the bones she took off running and gagging and screaming like a girl. The first thing that went thru her mind was that creature on the movie "The Village", with the long claws and now that I think of it, it sure did look like it. I asked her if she still wanted some or do I get to eat all of it. Unfortunately she said she would try some, and guess what. She liked it. Of course I loved it and went back for seconds, and believe me, it may not look like there's much on them ribs when you quarter it, but there is quite a bit. As I sunk my teeth into that meat, and started to chew I thought to myself, "it was worth putting up with them fleas". They were everywhere and I don't know about you Rob, but I wanted to make like a bear and rub up against one of them trees. So I've attached a picture so you can see what you're missing. Sorry Mark but maybe next time we'll cook them on the weekend so you can come over.

For being somewhere around a 180lbs, hog, that sure was good.

Oh, and in case you're wondering if I needed that raincoat, well yes I did get some barbecue sauce on my shirt. I don't know how that happens, but oh well that's what soap and water are for.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Hog Heaven

A good friend of mine and coworker also told me he set his hog trap over the weekend. I had talked to him a couple of weeks ago and he had caught a hog that went somewhere around 50 lbs. Now if you've trapped or shot hogs, you'd know that's just right for cooking. So this morning he (Rob) tells me he set his trap again and if he gets anything he'd let me know. As I'm riding around in my district trying to stay awake Elliott (another coworker) calls me and says Rob has a hog in the trap and for me to give him a call. Now I'm awake......... So I give Rob a call and sure enough he's got a hog in the trap, and he thinks it's somewhere around 150 lbs. So we drive out to his property and of course I'm still in my uniform so I change into clothes I don't mind getting dirty.

As I'm changing I'll have to admit as I stood outside there in the woods amongst the cedar trees, I was thinking, "what if a hog comes walking around from the tree". It would be hard to run since my shoes were off. Hhhmmmm.....Ok, I'll jump in the truck and hopefully Rob can run fast. So I finish changing and we take a short walk to where the cage is. As we approach the cage there he is, and he's upset. I thought I heard sounds of someone grinding their teeth. The first thing that crossed my mind was when my brother in law and his kids and I went to the coast. I won't mention names but as the kids were asleep in the van and Mark and I fished, I kept hearing something, and started looking around the van and in the van. Mark could see I was a little puzzled and he asked what are you looking for. I told him to listen to that noise and that's when I found out there was a chipmunk sleeping in my van. Actually it was someone grinding their teeth, but I won't mention names.

Anyway, back to the story, so as we walked to the trap very slowly, this hog was upset and he was chomping his teeth. Oh and one other thing, he was bigger than we thought. So Rob pops him and we attempt to drag this dude out of that trap. My back is still hurting. I think this dude is close to the 200 lbs club. Then there's the chompers in his pie hole. As we kept attempting to drag him out of trap, his teeth, yeah the ones hanging outside of his lip, kept hanging on the wire floor and he wouldn't budge. Rob had to get in the trap and keep his head straight so the anchors hanging from his mouth wouldn't hang up on the wire floor. We finally got it out and after cleaning up this hog and taking pictures we quartered him up and he now has a new home, my freezer.

Thanks Rob for letting me stock my freezer. By the way folks as you can see from the sticker on Robs truck he is a taxidermist and does a pretty good job. The picture of the raccoon on one of my earlier posts is something he did for me. At the present time it sits on the shelf next to my television.

I got somemore pictures from Rob and decided to throw in another picture with Rob in it. It's a good thing I put his picture in also. With me in the picture I look bigger than the hog, but with him in it the hog looks bigger, and in case you're wondering, yes it's the same hog. Some kind of optical illusion I guess.

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