The New Mexico Crew
I had a good time visiting with my brother from New Mexico. He happened to bring down two of our cousins with him. I think the last time I saw them they were in diapers. As you can see by these pictures they're out of diapers Or at least I don't think they were wearing depends. I hadn't written anything on here in quite some time, well,,,, because I hadn't been out hunting in quite some time.
We went out the second night they were here. I had my rifle (.221 Fireball) and my brother had a really neat ruger carbine in .40. I think that might have to be the next rifle I buy. We were hunting the elusive Canis latrans, or the Coyote. Elizabeth was carrying the camera and Gilbert was carrying............................................what was Gilbert carrying? Heck I don't remember, but I'm sure he was carrying something. All the walking we did and all the cows and calves we saw and the only thing Elizabeth could get a picture of was this cow turd.
I think the title of this should be "I went to San Antonio and all I got was this cow turd". Maybe I'll get this picture printed on a shirt and send it to you Elizabeth.
We snuck around quite a bit through the woods
and even had time to set up and try to call in
some coyotes, but no luck.
So it got dark and we figured we would try and set up a trap and try to catch a raccoon. So what kind of bait do you use to catch a raccoon?
Well after reading other forums, I have found that marshmallows and vanilla extract works great. They seem to love it and it sure keeps the skunks out. I don't what I'd do if caught a skunk. So we get the bait and put it in the trap and Elizabeth sets the trap up and that's when I catch her licking her fingers. uuuuhhhhh Elizabeth what are you licking off your hands. I look around and I don't see any cow turds and I figure she's safe there so what is she tasting. Then I see her looking with a smile on her face as she points to the bottle of vanilla extract. yyyuuuccchhh I say to myself. She actually liked that stuff. Okay but for now just put the vanilla extract on the marshmallows cuz we're trying to catch a raccoon. By the way, what happened to that bottle? That was a brand new bottle of vanilla extract, and as I write this I can't find it. It's no where in the truck and the last one that had it was YOU. A picture is worth a thousand words they say. That's right you were the last one with the extract so I think the evidence points to you. It would be like OJ Simpson saying he didn't have black gloves and then a picture pop up with him in black gloves. Well since you liked the stuff I'll make sure the next time you come down here I have some of the stuff on hand just for you and some more ice cream for Gilbert.
We ended up going back the next morning and found that there was nothing in the trap. Oh well maybe next time.