Between the port-o-john runs and the down pour, this hunting thing is tough.
But once again thanks to the east coast crew we scored again.
We got more meat in the freezer, man you guys are great.
We took your advice about staying on the porch and using a Remington rifle.
I mean ReMMington, as your sign reads.
Lucious Lou woke up around 0700 and while checking outside saw a good sized spike just hanging around the yard.
After watching it and two does walking in the woods so close to the house we came to the conclusion they felt safe because they thought the east coast crew was in town.
As a matter of fact deer have been walking around the yard every day we’ve
been here.
If the deer could talk they would probably be saying something like, “those guys missed 5 times at the beginning of the month so it’s safe,
lets move in for some chow”.
Little did they know it wasn’t the east coast crew, it was the gulf coast crew that is in town and we’re here to knock some deer down.
I know what you’re thinking about now, but honestly,
I missed because the deer blind wasn’t level, it seems to be leaning to the right.
So Lucious Lou, still in his socks and pajamas grabbed his ReMMington .300, and very loudly from the porch let them deer know REAL HUNTERS were in town. Lucious Lou said it wasn’t an easy shot as he tried to focus on that spike, fighting the sleep from his eyes. Ole Lou said then he had the sheets of rain and something about hearing a diesel school bus. Keep in mind that afterwards Lucious Lou said he awoke from a hellish nightmare where he was dreaming that he was in a giant taco. All these thoughts going through his mind and he stayed focused and took that spike down. Too bad for the deer they’ve never heard Thin Lizzys song The Boys are Back in Town, or they would have high tailed it to Houston County.
Since we’ve been following your advice and knocking deer down, we think tomorrow we will sit at the sign you left that lets us know where we can pee
. Thanks for the advice, it’s been most helpful. Pictures will be on here when I can download them. See you on the next post
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