That's gonna be tough to swallow!!
Tonight, ole Eagle Eye (Mark Johnson) brought a friend of his named “T” out to the killing fields. Johnson put a new scope on his 30.06 and he wanted to try it out, since he heard this was a target rich environment. T, wanted to shoot hogs and was looking for a rifle, and I had one for him. We set up about 80 yards from the tank and waited for the hogs to come in. I wasn’t going to be shooting tonight since I would be running the red spotlight, hoping they would knock down some pigs. Sometime after 2100 hrs we saw hogs come under the fence about 40 yards out from us. Eagle Eye spotted them first and went for his rifle. I grabbed the spotlight and told T to get ready. The plan was for T to shoot first then Eagle Eye would shoot, and hopefully we would get 2 pigs. It didn’t work out that way. I told both of them since the wind was at our back, once they caught our scent the lead pig would probably stop, look in our direction then run back to where they came from.
Well that’s exactly what they did. Fortunately Eagle Eye had his rifle up and on the lead pig as T was looking for them in the dark. I was turning on the spotlight when the lead one stopped and then looked at us. I whispered, he’s fixing to ---BOOM, Eagle Eyes 30.06 went off, then I heard the distinct sound of WWEEEEE, WWWWEEEEE,WWWWEEEEEEE. One was down and the rest were running everywhere. I followed a group of 3 pigs as they ran in a lar
ge circle then headed right back at us. Eagle Eye took 2 more shots at 2 other pigs on the edge of the tank, and these three were still circling towards us. I am now saying “they’re getting close, someone needs to shoot them, they’re getting closer, someone needs to shoot them, while thinking what a time not to have a rifle in my hand. Then T sounded off with the Ar, crack, crack, good they’re turning, crack, crack, what was that spark or ricochet, crack crack, CEASE FIRE< CEASE FIRE< CEASE FIRE. Wow that was close, heck that was about 5 feet from us, and they ran right past us. Ok that was exciting I thought, but what was that spark I saw off to the left. Better go look at the post. Hey T, I don’t care how much you tenderize or how much seasoning you put on this here post, it’s still gonna be hard to swallow.
Eagle Eye had one down and after loading it up we were off to the
back where we could clean it and get it on ice. I had to ask T, uh how big was that pig to you, because it didn’t even slow down as it ran under the first wire, and it looked about 8 inches high, and that hole is about 4 feet up from the ground? Oh, well as long as we got one. We waited for a few more hours but they never came back, I don’t know why, so we left with our one pig.
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