Just a few more weeks
Just a few more weeks and one of these lucky does will be going home with me. 
That's right, I've been practicing with my bow and I think I'm ready. This place is just north of Boerne, Texas and it's loaded with deer.
I'll be adding more pictures through out the week since the camera Elliott put out took over 3oo pictures.
Now if you're wondering if I'll still be going to Tennesse in November, well the answer is yes. I'll be honeing my skills here so I can take a whitetail deer in Tennessee. This picture is was taken right after the breakfast bell went off. We set the timer for the feeder to go off at 0700 and at 1900 hrs. Check out the picture taken after 1900 hrs.
I know the camera is facing the sun but it was still able to pick up the good size herd of deer that came in right after the dinner bell went off. Were in the process of finding another spot to set the camera up. Once we get it up I'll be putting some more pictures up here.
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