I Bagged a Turkey today!!!!!!
Well folks, today I decided to go out after church and try to bag a turkey. As you can see I got one. It’s not as big as the ones in the previous post. But it’ll do. I had to go out today since I will be in school three days this week and then I’m off to Tennessee. And what’s Thanksgiving without a turkey. As you can see it’s the plastic feathered turkey. Yeah it probably won’t be as good as those ones in the wild but hey what can I say.,,,,, it is a turkey.
Here’s the story. I changed into my camo and then sprayed the scent killer stuff I talked about in another post. The stuff really works. It was cool out there today so I had a camo jacket also. It’s one of those military jackets. Mark felt sorry for me and one day bought it for me. What a guy.
I had it all planned out. I’d go to the happy hunting grounds and set up after I scouted the area. There were hunters everywhere. As I scouted around I saw that Wal-mart has a savage .22 cal semi rifle for 92.00. I know, I know, you’re probably thinking, I got side tracked. You’re right, I couldn’t pass it up so I put it on lay away. Although I almost changed my mind since the clerks at the lay-away dept., were more concerned with telling each other about their social life than working. Three of them behind the counter yakking while one was actually working. The one at the register even called for of the cashiers to take my lay-away, and it looked like she was being bothered while telling her story. They were like hens in a chicken coup, yakkity yak, yak.
Finally I got to the holler where the turkeys were. I had to go through nineteen hollers to get there. As I peered around the corner, I could see them. There were a bunch of them. There were butterballs, pilgrim pride, and some other ones also. A flock of geese and ducks went by. Very stealthily, I glided up to where the turkeys were and there it was, amongst the rest of the flock. The plastic feathered turkey I had been looking for. Then out of no where another hunter cut in front of me. Oh no, they can’t get the one I have set my sights on already.
I had a tough decision to make. Leave the basket and chance loosing the items I already had in it but go for the turkey. Or stay with the basket and hope Ms. Cut in front of me didn’t see the turkey I had my sights on. Lets see I have a movie, and some cereal in the basket. In my line of work I’m trained to make split second decisions, and not worry about the Monday morning quarterbacking. So I went for the turkey, and she is a beauty, even though it’s a little, …uuuuhhhh , deformed.
If you’ll remember the turkeys in Tennesse had the necks on the outside and this one has everything on the inside. WHAT’S UP WITH THAT!!!!!!! Oh well, Alma might be a lilttle disappointed (yeah right) but it’ll have to do.
I could tell this turkey also traveled a long way. As you can see it’s from somewhere up north. How do I know???? Well it’s in the 70’s down here, and you can see the frost on the bird, so It must be from somewhere up north where it’s cold, or should I say freezing.
So I tagged it, as you can see in the picture, and then went home. The weapon of choice in this hunt was a little unconventional as far as hunting is concerned. It was a credit/debit card. Right now Alma is at work but when she gets home and see’s that I BAGGED a turkey she’ll be happy.
Here’s the story. I changed into my camo and then sprayed the scent killer stuff I talked about in another post. The stuff really works. It was cool out there today so I had a camo jacket also. It’s one of those military jackets. Mark felt sorry for me and one day bought it for me. What a guy.
I had it all planned out. I’d go to the happy hunting grounds and set up after I scouted the area. There were hunters everywhere. As I scouted around I saw that Wal-mart has a savage .22 cal semi rifle for 92.00. I know, I know, you’re probably thinking, I got side tracked. You’re right, I couldn’t pass it up so I put it on lay away. Although I almost changed my mind since the clerks at the lay-away dept., were more concerned with telling each other about their social life than working. Three of them behind the counter yakking while one was actually working. The one at the register even called for of the cashiers to take my lay-away, and it looked like she was being bothered while telling her story. They were like hens in a chicken coup, yakkity yak, yak.
Finally I got to the holler where the turkeys were. I had to go through nineteen hollers to get there. As I peered around the corner, I could see them. There were a bunch of them. There were butterballs, pilgrim pride, and some other ones also. A flock of geese and ducks went by. Very stealthily, I glided up to where the turkeys were and there it was, amongst the rest of the flock. The plastic feathered turkey I had been looking for. Then out of no where another hunter cut in front of me. Oh no, they can’t get the one I have set my sights on already.
I had a tough decision to make. Leave the basket and chance loosing the items I already had in it but go for the turkey. Or stay with the basket and hope Ms. Cut in front of me didn’t see the turkey I had my sights on. Lets see I have a movie, and some cereal in the basket. In my line of work I’m trained to make split second decisions, and not worry about the Monday morning quarterbacking. So I went for the turkey, and she is a beauty, even though it’s a little, …uuuuhhhh , deformed.
If you’ll remember the turkeys in Tennesse had the necks on the outside and this one has everything on the inside. WHAT’S UP WITH THAT!!!!!!! Oh well, Alma might be a lilttle disappointed (yeah right) but it’ll have to do.
I could tell this turkey also traveled a long way. As you can see it’s from somewhere up north. How do I know???? Well it’s in the 70’s down here, and you can see the frost on the bird, so It must be from somewhere up north where it’s cold, or should I say freezing.
So I tagged it, as you can see in the picture, and then went home. The weapon of choice in this hunt was a little unconventional as far as hunting is concerned. It was a credit/debit card. Right now Alma is at work but when she gets home and see’s that I BAGGED a turkey she’ll be happy.

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