Hunting in Tennessee

Here's a picture of a buck I shot in Tennessee. I had a great time and there's nothing like good friends and clean air to clear your mind and soul. I was sitting in a tree that day waiting for any deer to show up. Then this one stepped out and my heart started pounding. I looked through the scope on my rifle and saw the nice horns. At one point he looked right at me for what seemed like a long time but was probably only 10 to 15 seconds. The wind was at my back blowing pretty good right towards the buck. I had put on some scent killer and I guess the stuff works pretty good. The buck looked at me and then kept on eating. I was able to get a good shot off at about 30 yards and hit it. The first picture is with Jay Johnson, my brother in laws brother and it was on his property that I was able to shoot this nice buck. My brother in law Mark Johnson and his brother convinced me that I needed to get it mounted so I did. In the second picture Mark and his son Marcus and my wife and I drove up to Tennesse 6 months later and picked up the mount. We couldn't find a box big enough to stick the deer mount in so we improvised as you can see. Walmart had a good sale on pillows and they really work nice when packing a deer mount. Now it hangs on my wall.

I've been to Tennessee 3 or 4 times and it really gets hard to leave that place. Everytime I leave I am already thinking about how next year will take so long to arrive.
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